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  • Writer's pictureYvonne P. Odle

What is Marijuana and What Are the Side Effects?

What is Marijuana? It may seem simple but asking what is Marijuana and getting an answer can be a bit tricky. It is indeed a question with many answers depending on how one wants to look at it. For many years people have been thinking that smoking or ingesting marijuana is an exclusive Jamaican or New World Club only indulgence. However, over the past few decades the United States of America has made it illegal to buy, sell, distribute, and use any form of the herb cannabis in almost all states. This article will try to explain what is Marijuana and why is it considered illegal and what can be done about it.

What is Marijuana? Marijuana is one of the most commonly smoked and consumed herbs in the whole world. Smoking it will result in a relaxed state of mind, elevated mood, a reduction in coughing and/or wheezing, increased heart rate, and euphoria or a high as some claim. Also, depending on the strength of the joint, smoking it can cause an increase in coughing and/or wheezing, increased heart rate, and an elevated mood.

What is Cannabinol? Cannabinol or also known as CBD is one of the two major chemicals found in marijuana smoke. This chemical is found to be even more effective when compared to tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This means that CBD is less harmful than THC, which is the main ingredient found in marijuana. However, it is very important to note that even with the introduction of CBD there is still some amount of THC present in the body. Therefore, to get the same effect that is seen when using marijuana; the user must still take marijuana.

What is Marijuana and can it become addictive? The short answer to the question 'what is Marijuana' is that it is an illegal substance and cannot be purchased over the counter or ordered online without a prescription from a doctor. In addition, it has become very popular over the past decade and many people report becoming addicted to using marijuana. This substance affects the central nervous system and is believed to affect memory, attention span, attention, and mood. Some side effects include becoming addicted to the drug, having anxiety, being short tempered, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What is Marijuana and can it affect my health? When using marijuana, the active ingredient which is THC can remain in the body for up to 24 hours after smoking. During this period it can have many different effects on the body including dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, impaired vision, slurred speech, and impaired thinking. Many people who are taking marijuana on a regular basis to find that they begin to have issues with memory, concentration, and can also affect their mood and cause depression.

What is Marijuana and can it lead to lung cancer? Studies that have been done have shown that marijuana use may cause a slow degradation of the lungs' cells. This is believed to be because the THC present in the cannabis destroys cells that line the airways, which increases the risk of developing lung cancer in the future. Other studies have indicated that users who smoke cannabis tend to have a slow response time when an asthma attack occurs, which increases the risk of death during an asthma attack.

What is Marijuana and can it affect my fertility? Many believe that marijuana use affects fertility. The decreased appetite caused by the THC in the cannabis can affect a woman's menstrual cycle and her ability to conceive. Some women also believe that marijuana use can interfere with the release of important hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which are essential for conception and birth. There are many more side effects such as seizures, hallucinations, and depression. Some women find that they experience painful periods and abnormal vaginal bleeding after beginning regular use of marijuana.

So, is Marijuana harmful to my health? Anytime that you use smoked cannabis or take any form of cannabis, such as capsules or liquid extracts, you are putting yourself at risk. However, there are some side effects to consider.

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